Friday, May 31, 2019
Hamlet: Emotions of Despair, Sadness, Anger, and Inner Peace :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
Hamlet Emotions of Despair, Sadness, Anger, and Inner Peace The character of Prince Hamlet, in Shakespeares Hamlet, displaysmany strong yet justified emotions. For instance, in Hamlets To be Or NotTo Be soliloquy, perhaps one of the most well k instantern quotes in the Englishlanguage, Hamlet actually debates suicide. His discouragement, sorrow, anger and knowledgeable peace are all justifiable emotions for this troubled character. Hamlets feeling of despair towards his life and to the worlddevelops as the play moves on. In Hamlets first soliloquy he reveals thathis despair has driven him to thoughts of suicide How weary (horrible) His law gainst self slaughter. Likewise, when Hamlet talks to his friends,Rosenerantz and Guildenstern in Act 2 scene 2, Hamlet wishes they tell the major power and pouf that he has lost all mirth, in this world so foul andpestilent. In his To be or not to be soliloquy , he expresses his despairthrough thoughts of suicide, suggesting that suicide is an easy way to endlifes conflicts. But luckily he concludes that the fear of an unknownafterlife is what keeps us living. All of Hamlets thoughts of despair toiletbe understood when one looks at the horrible conflicts Hamlet goes through. Sorrow, perhaps the most evident emotion, is very well developedthroughout the play. Initially, the only lay down of Hamlets sorrow is hisfathers death. However, after reading Act 1, scene 2, we see in Hamletsasides that another source of his melancholy is his mothers hasty marriageto Claudius, the new king of Denmark. Further, when Queen Gertrude asks herson why his fathers death seems so important, he replies, Seems, madam?Nay it is. I know not seems. In addition, Shakespeare reveals anothersource of sadness now Hamlet is alone, with the most loved character inhis life, Ophelia, rejecting him. This cause is well brought out inHamlets soliloquy in which he states Now I am alone. O, what a rouge andpeasant slave am I Finally, when Hamlet discovers that Ophelia has died,new reasons for Hamlets extreme feelings of sorrow are added. In fact, hissorrow is so gravid that Forty thousand brothers/Could not (with all theirquantity of love) Make up my sum. Thus, Hamlets well developed sadness,is reasonable throughout the play. Unfortunately, Hamlets thoughts ofmourning are replaced by those of anger. nigh readers of Hamlet agree, to some extent or another, thatHamlet is well justified in expressing anger. Perhaps the first incident ofHamlets true expression of anger is during his scene with the ghost in Act
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Literature Essay -- Education, Reading
Literature has the ability to take students to new places, and it eachows them to experience many things they will neer play in their lifetimes. In an effort to afford this opportunity to experience new things to all children, numerous studies have been conducted to examine expressions to improve unproblematic students interpret skills and overall aiming comprehension. Within these studies, scholars have discussed links between language acquisition, vocabulary knowledge, fluency, and reading comprehension. This paper discusses these links and strategies to help students improve all aspects of their reading. In 1997, Congress asked the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD, 2000) to select an independent ornament of reviewers to evaluate research and literature in society to determine the most effective way to teach children how to read. This panel was comprised of fourteen individuals from a variety of backgrounds scientists in reading research , representatives of colleges of education, reading teachers, educational administrators, and parents. The panel came to be kn bear as the National Reading Panel (NRP). The result of the NRP research was that the most effective way to teach children to read is through assorted instructional methods and techniques. According to the panel, effective reading instruction should consist of teaching students to break apart words and listen for sounds (phonemic awareness), teaching students that sounds form words (phonics), having students read loudly and provide them with feedback (guided oral reading), and applying comprehension strategies to guide and build complete reading comprehension. With this new wealth of knowledge, the NICHD began distributing their findings to... ...ntiff. This enriched content allows little doubt as to what the core of the vocabulary word is. The reader is able to social occasion this example to not only learn the meaning of the word, but to gain an understanding of the purpose and way to use context clues to construct meaning. Hacker (2004) pointed out that one important strategy that is central to improving students reading comprehension is students ability to monitor their own comprehension. This image is carried out by students identifying and resolving their own errors in reading. Students take aim to be able to decide whether or not what they have read makes sense. If not, they need to take a leak that they have encountered an error and array problem solving as to what needs to be reread. This skill is especially important as students get former(a) and begin reading an increasing volume of text independently. Literature Essay -- Education, Reading Literature has the ability to take students to new places, and it allows them to experience many things they will never encounter in their lifetimes. In an effort to afford this opportunity to experience new things to all children, numerous studies have been conducted to examine ways to improve elementary students reading skills and overall reading comprehension. Within these studies, scholars have discussed links between vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary knowledge, fluency, and reading comprehension. This paper discusses these links and strategies to help students improve all aspects of their reading. In 1997, Congress asked the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD, 2000) to select an independent panel of reviewers to evaluate research and literature in order to determine the most effective way to teach children how to read. This panel was comprised of fourteen individuals from a variety of backgrounds scientists in reading research, representatives of colleges of education, reading teachers, educational administrators, and parents. The panel came to be known as the National Reading Panel (NRP). The result of the NRP research was that the most effective way to teach children to read is through div erse instructional methods and techniques. According to the panel, effective reading instruction should consist of teaching students to break apart words and listen for sounds (phonemic awareness), teaching students that sounds form words (phonics), having students read aloud and provide them with feedback (guided oral reading), and applying comprehension strategies to guide and build complete reading comprehension. With this new wealth of knowledge, the NICHD began distributing their findings to... ...ntiff. This enriched content allows little doubt as to what the meaning of the vocabulary word is. The reader is able to use this example to not only learn the meaning of the word, but to gain an understanding of the purpose and way to use context clues to construct meaning. Hacker (2004) pointed out that one important strategy that is central to improving students reading comprehension is students ability to monitor their own comprehension. This concept is carried out by stude nts identifying and resolving their own errors in reading. Students need to be able to decide whether or not what they have read makes sense. If not, they need to realize that they have encountered an error and begin problem solving as to what needs to be reread. This skill is especially important as students get older and begin reading an increasing volume of text independently.
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett Essay -- The Secret Garde
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett The book, The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett, is astir(predicate) a little girl named Mary who discovers a garden that had been kept a secret for a very long time. After Mary became an orphan, she was squeeze to move in with her uncle, Mr. Craven, who is a very busy businessman and lives in a very big house. At that time Mary was a dismay girl who disagreed with everybody and wanted to live in her own world. She, however, is a very curious girl who isnt afraid of anything. When she hears crying noises coming from one of the cortege in the house, she follows the noise and she finds Collin Craven. Collin is Marys cousin who she didnt know existed. Collin is very depressed because he is told that he is very sick and needs to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his short life.Mary likes to play outside at the front of the house. One day she sees a shit and she decides to follow the bird to catch it. The bird leads Mary to the door of a secret garden that is covered with spider webs and plants. Mary starts cutting the plants and finds the handle to the door. But the door is locked so Mary cant get in to catch the bird. Then Mary looks through the hole for the key to look inside the garden for the bird. She sees a monument thats a woman next to a little kid. Mary really wants to get into the garden so she goes inside the house and she asks the handmaid for the key. The servant tells Mary she knows nothing about the g...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Use of Proper Judgment in Othello :: Othello essays
A central tenet of Othello is the concept of strait-laced plan, and to forever use it when making decisions. The renaissance definition of becoming judgment can be illustrated by the hierarchy of proper judgment. Governing both is reason, which includes understanding and will. to a lower place reason are common sense, memory, and imagination. Finally, at the bottom are the 5 senses, emotions, and passions. In order to judge properly, it was believed that reason had to govern all else. Proper judgment could never occur if only one item was relied upon to make the decision. In Othello, Shakespeare uses this concept to demonstrate how proper judgment occurs, and the consequences when it does not. The first scene in which proper judgment is used is when the Duke makes a decision as to what should be done about the expected Turkish invasion. He does not immediately act on the information he receives, instead, he thinks out the steps logically. When he states, I do not so sec ure me in the error, but the main denomination I do approve in the fearful sense (I 3 12-14), he is showing that he will not rely solely on the information he is receiving, but also use common sense, memory, and understanding, and therefore judge properly. Only after Proper judgment was used did he exact action, and therefore avoid disaster. The Duke is a model of Proper judgment who can be compared to other characters in the play to show their weaknesses and shortcomings. In the same scene, proper judgment is demonstrated again by the Duke, when he is faced with the mater of Othello marrying Desdemona. Initially, the Duke rejects wise judgment by promising to allow Brabantio to sentence whoever had done this to whatsoever punishment he saw fit, without analyzing the situation further, and without even knowing who that man was. However, upon assessing the situation more, he realizes the consequences of not using Proper judgment, and, after hearing all sides of the story, t ell Brabantio to Take up this mangled matter at best. Men do their broken weapons rather use than their bare hands (I 3 199-201). later(prenominal) on, he gives Brabantio wise advice when he tells him that to mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief in (I 3
Aristotle’s Definition of Friend :: essays research papers
Friendship is undoubtedly one of the most important elements in the books of Aristotles ethical principles. Aristotle takes the idea of association to a serious degree. He categorizes them into three groups or types of friendships. This report will attempt to define each type of friendship as well as identify the role of friendship in a confederacy. Aristotle considers friendship to be a necessity to live. He claims that no respective(prenominal) would chose to live without friends even if the individual had all of the other good things in life. He also describes friendship as a virtue and as just. devoted the above statements on friendship, it is safe to say that Aristotle felt that friendship is something that every human must have in order to reach a placid state of mind. It has all of the qualities of good as long as both parties of a friendship are considered good. Therefore, the role of friendship in a society is to promote goodness between all parties involved in it. As previously mentioned, Aristotle has identified three different types of friendships. The first is friendship based on utility. This is a friendship in which both parties become involved with each other for their own personal benefit. An example would be a working affinity with an individual. These are large number who do not spend much time together, possibly because they do not like each other, and therefore feel no need to associate with one another unless they are mutually useful. They take pleasure from each others company just for their own sake. Aristotle uses the elder and foreigners as examples of friendships based on utility. The second type of friendship is a friendship based on pleasure. This friendship is made between two people that wish to gain pleasure from one another. Aristotle uses the young as an example here. Friendship between the young is grounded on pleasure because the lives of the young are adjust by their feelings, and their main interest is in their ow n pleasure and the opportunity of the moment. They are quick to create and destroy friendships because their affection changes as fast as the things that please them do. Aristotle felt that this sort of pleasure changes rapidly. The young also have a tendency to fall in love, thus creating an erotic friendship which is swayed by the feelings and based on pleasure. Finally, we have what is considered the by Aristotle as the perfect friendship.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Death of naturalist Essay -- English Literature
Death of naturalistThis poem is a fertile mixture of imagery, sounds and an impressioncreated by record on peoples mind. Heaney sensualises an outstandingfear of the physical wonders of the world. He vividly describes hischildhood experience that precipitates his change as a boy from the assailable and protected innocence of childhood to the fear anduncertainty of adolescence. As he wonders along the pathways ofsalient discovery, Heaneys imagination bursts into life.The title of the poem is amusingly humorous by a naturalist we wouldnormally think of someone with expert scientific knowledge of livingthings and ecology.The poem Death of a naturalist has kind of a lot of emotional imagesbecause its the poets memory and he is reminiscing. There are anumber of poetic devices to create an image. Firstly, the poet usesthe metaphor in the heart of the town land to add interest to thepoem. He also uses languages like sweltered and punishing sun toconvey to the reader the hot summers day Heaney remembers. character isalso brought up in the poem by ...
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