Thursday, October 31, 2019
Undersatnding Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Undersatnding Media - Essay Example The feeling that prevails is that the media has crossed its boundaries and has now become a severe tool of mind destruction. There is evidence that the media in particular instances, have shaped information to create an intended attitude in the population, and hence influence their decision making process. In essence, the media does not utilize its power for the good cause, but just forms the public opinion for ones profits. This paper will analyse literature to identify evidence of public manipulation by the media. The media is a powerful tool that plays a key role in painting public images that conform to the information in their possession, or even to reflect their personal opinions on critical matters in the society. In many countries, the media is protected by law and it bears the absolute right to cover any form of information, and to relay it to the public in the way that they feel most appropriate. There has been a great struggle to improve media independence and to give it the right to criticise and comment on various issues affecting the public. For instance, in the United States, the First Amendment Act allows the media to cover all mannerism of information without any limitations from the state government (Smith, 2010). As Smith (2010) points out, the First Amendment Act has played a key role in empowering the media and that this freedom will have both positive and negative consequences. Today, although the press has become a necessary tool, it has suffered the abuse of being a mani pulative tool to benefit a few in the society. One positive impact of the media in the society today is provision of current and relevant information from all over the world through its various channels. With the proliferation of technology, the media has achieved effective information coverage and the ability to relay it even to the most remote locations of the world. According to Cammons and Parks (2004), information is
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Realism as a Method to Depict Immediacy Unexpectedness and Wonder in Essay
Realism as a Method to Depict Immediacy Unexpectedness and Wonder in Berninis Apollo and Daphne and Poussins Et in Arcadia Ego - Essay Example It’s that disruption of stasis that I felt the night my ex dropped the â€Å"we need to talk†line on me. It’s cliche and immature to dwell on emotional turmoil, yet that night my roommate got an earful of conversations and complaints. Before turning in for the night, he left me with that old as time adage that has passed through nearly every broken heart. â€Å"You can’t understand happiness without feeling pain,†he told me, and as cliche as the phrase is, it is still something I hold to be true. As I studied Apollo and Daphne1 and Et in Arcadia Ego2, I couldn’t help but wonder if Gian Bernini and Nicolas Poussin were attempting to express the same heartache that is so central to this human condition we share. Beyond the longing gaze in Apollo’s eyes and the lamenting stare of the shepherd’s face, what drew me to this question were not the works themselves, but the emotions I felt because of the works. To capture these emotion s, Bernini and Poussin incorporated a novel technique of using realism as a means to achieve the awe-inspiring effect so common to Baroque visual culture. In his 1998 book Italian Baroque Sculpture, Boucher highlights the fact that awe-inspiring effects such as â€Å"immediacy and mimicry, and the unexpected and the surprising were all prized by Baroque artists†3. ... It is for this reason that it became one of the most important aims of Italian Baroque sculpture to represent ‘flesh as flesh’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 4 . While this quote focuses on sculpture, this emphasis on a realistic style was central to all Baroque visual culture. Combining realistic figures with the shocking imagery of a woman turning into a tree or a forgotten tomb in the middle of a field created these desired effects. Because realism is necessary for the effects of immediacy, unexpectedness, and wonder, realism was essential to Baroque visual culture and was skillfully incorporated into the works Apollo and Daphne and Et in Arcadia Ego. The most obvious effect in Bernini’s sculpture is one that is highly associated with Baroque visual culture: immediacy. In his article â€Å"The Element of Motion in Baroque Art and Music†, William Flemming describes this increased feeling of immediacy in Baroque culture by saying, â€Å"The Baroque period brought about a q uickening of the pulse of human affairs. It was an age of movement, activity, exploration. Time is of utmost importance. The mechanical clock becomes the dominant symbol of this period and performs the unique function of translating the movements of time into spatial dimensions.†If one is to follow this symbolism to Bernini’s sculpture, then Daphne’s extended arm is minutes away from striking twelve: an obvious symbol of the immediacy felt in the scene. This sculpture is not a still life; this is the peak of action in a moment that will define the lives of these two gods forever. To simply depict this scene with a realistic style would completely miss the specter of a woman turning into a tree, yet to completely focus on the tree would be to ignore the metamorphosis. This is where Bernini’s true genius is
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A Guide Into Business Intelligence Studies Information Technology Essay
A Guide Into Business Intelligence Studies Information Technology Essay Data Warehousing: Integration of data from multiple sources into large warehouses and support of on-line analytical processing and business decision making DW vs. Operational Databases Data Warehouse Subject Oriented Integrated Nonvolatile Time variant Ad hoc retrieval Operational Databases Application oriented Limited integration Continuously updated Current data values only Predictable retrieval Data Warehouse: a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data in support of managements decision-making process. Data Mart A monothematic data warehouse Department- oriented or business line oriented Top-Down Approach Advantages A truly corporate effort, an enterprise view of data Inherently architected not a union of disparate data marts Single, central storage of data about the content Centralized rules and control May see quick results if implemented with iterations Disadvantages Takes longer to build even with an iterative method High exposure/risk to failure Needs high level of cross-functional skills High outlay without proof of concept Bottom-Up Approach Advantages Faster and easier implementation of manageable pieces Favorable return on investment and proof of concept Less risk of failure Inherently incremental; can schedule important data marts first Allows project team to learn and grow Disadvantages Each data mart has its own narrow view of data Permeates redundant data in every data mart Perpetuates inconsistent and irreconcilable data Proliferates unmanageable interfaces Data Staging Component Three major functions need to be performed for getting the data ready (ETL) extract the data transform the data and then load the data into the data warehouse storage Data Warehouse Subject-Oriented Data is stored by subjects Integrated Data Need to pull together all the relevant data from the various systems Data from internal operational systems Data from outside sources Time-Variant Data the stored data contains the current values The use needs data not only about the current purchase, but on the past purchases Nonvolatile Data Data from the operational systems are moved into the data warehouse at specific intervals Data Granularity Data granularity in a data warehouse refers to the level of detail The lower the level of detail, the finer the data granularity The lowest level of detail  ® a lot of data in the data warehouse Four steps in dimensional modeling Identify the process being modeled. Determine the grain at which facts will be stored. Choose the dimensions. Identify the numeric measures for the facts. Components of a star schema Fact tables contain factual or quantitative data 1:N relationship between dimension tables and fact tables Dimension tables contain descriptions about the subjects of the business Dimension tables are denormalized to maximize performance Slowly changing dimensions Are the Customer and Product Dim independent of Time Dim? Changes in names, family status, product district/region How to handle these changes in order not to affect the history status? Eg. Insurance 3 suggestions for slowly changing dimensions Type 1 overwrite/erase old values; no accurate tracking of history needed; easy to implement; Type 2 create new record at time of change; partitioning the history (old and new description); Type 3 new current fields, legitimate need to track both old and new states Original and current values; Intermediate Values are lost Junk Dimensions Leave the flags in the fact tables likely sparse data no real browse entry capability can significantly increase the size of the fact table Remove the attributes from the design potentially critical information will be lost if they provide no relevance, remove them Make a flag into its own dimension may greatly increase the number of dimensions, increasing the size of the fact table can clutter and confuse the design Combine all relevant flags, etc. into a single dimension the number of possibilities remain finite information is retained The Monster Dimension It is a compromise Avoids creating copies of dimension records in a significantly large dimension Done to manage space and changes efficiently 3 types of multidimensional data Data from external sources (represented by the blue cylinder) is copied into the small red marble cube, which represents input multidimensional data Pre-calculated, stored results derived from it on-the-fly results, calculated as required at run-time, but not stored in a database Aggregation The system uses physically stored aggregates as a way to enhance performance of common queries. These aggregates, like indexes, are chosen silently by the database if they are physically present. End users and application developers do not need to know what aggregates are available at any point in time, and applications are not required to explicitly code the name of an aggregate When you go for higher level of aggregates, the sparsity percentage goes down, eventually reaching 100% of occupancy Data Extraction Two major types of data extractions from the source operational systems as is (static) data and data of revision as is or static data is the capture of data at a given point in time For initial load Data of revision is known as incremental data capture Data Quality Issues Dummy values in fields Missing data Unofficial use of fields Cryptic values Contradicting values Reused primary keys Inconsistent values Incorrect values Multipurpose fields Steps in Data Cleansing Parsing Correcting Standardizing Matching Consolidating DATA TRANSFORMATION All the extracted data must be made usable in the data warehouse The quality of the data in many old legacy systems is less likely to be good enough for the data warehouse Transformation of source data encompasses a wide variety of manipulations to change all the extracted source data into usable information to be stored in the data warehouse Data warehouse practitioners have attempted to classify data transformations in several ways Basic Tasks Set of basic tasks Selection Splitting/Joining Conversion Summarization Enrichment Loading Initial Load Load mode Incremental Loads Constructive merge mode Type 1 slowly changing dimension: destructive merge mode Full Refresh Load and append modes are applicable OLAP defined: On-line Analytical Processing(OLAP) is a category of software technology that enables analysts, managers and executives to gain insight into data through fast, consistent, interactive access in a wide variety of possible views of information that has been transformed from raw data to reflect the real dimensionality of the enterprise as understood by the user Users need the ability to perform multidimensional analysis with complex calculations The basic virtues of OLAP Enables analysts, executives, and managers to gain useful insights from the presentation of data Can reorganize metrics along several dimensions and allow data to be viewed from different perspectives Supports multidimensional analysis Is able to drill down or roll up within each dimension BUSINESS METADATA Is like a roadmap or an easy-to-use information directory showing the contents and how to get it How can I sign onto and connect with the data warehouse? Which parts of the data warehouse can I access? Can I see all the attributes from a specific table? What are the definitions of the attributes I need in my query? Are there any queries and reports already predefined to give the results I need? TECHNICAL METADATA Technical metadata is meant for the IT staff responsible for the development and administration of the data warehouse Technical metadata is like a support guide for the IT professionals to build, maintain, and administer the data warehouse Physical Design Objectives Improve Performance In OLTP, 1-2 secs max; in DW secs to mins Ensure scalability Manage storage Provide Ease of Administration Design for Flexibility. Physical Design Steps Develop Standards Create Aggregates Plan Determine Data Partitioning Establish Clustering Options Prepare Indexing Strategy Assign storage structures Partitioning Breaking data into several physical units that can be handled separately Not a question of whether to do it in data warehouses but how to do it Granularity and partitioning are key to effective implementation of a warehouse Partitions are spread across multiple disks to boost performance Why Partition? Flexibility in managing data Smaller physical units allow easy restructuring free indexing sequential scans if needed easy reorganization easy recovery easy monitoring Improve performance Criterion for Partitioning Vertically (groups of selected columns together. More typical in dimension tables) Horizontally (e.g. recent events and past history. Typical in fact tables) Parallelization The argument goes: if your main problem is that your queries run too slowly, use more than one machine at a time to make them run faster (Parallel Processing). Oracle uses this strategy in its warehousing products. Indexing Structure separate from the table data it refers to, storing the location of rows in the database based on the column values specified when the index is created. They are used in data warehouse to improve warehouse throughput Indexing and loading Indexing for large tables Btree characteristics: Balanced Bushy: multi-way tree Block-oriented Dynamic Bitmap Index Bitmap indices are a special type of index designed for efficient querying on multiple keys Records in a relation are assumed to be numbered sequentially from, say, 0 Given a number n it must be easy to retrieve record n Particularly easy if records are of fixed size Applicable on attributes that take on a relatively small number of distinct values E.g. gender, country, state, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ E.g. income-level (income broken up into a small number of levels such as 0-9999, 10000-19999, 20000-50000, 50000- infinity) A bitmap is simply an array of bits In its simplest form a bitmap index on an attribute has a bitmap for each value of the attribute Bitmap has as many bits as records In a bitmap for value v, the bit for a record is 1 if the record has the value v for the attribute, and is 0 otherwise Clustering The technique involves placing and managing related units of data to be retrieved in the same physical block of storage This arrangement causes related units of data to be retrieved together in one single operation In a clustering index, the order of the rows is close to the index order. Close means that physical records containing rows will not have to be accessed more than one time if the index is accessed sequentially DW Deployment Major deployment activities Complete user acceptance Perform initial loads Get user desktops ready Complete initial user training Institute initial user support Deploy in stages DW Growth Maintenance Monitoring the DW Collection of Stats Usage of Stats For growth planning For fine tuning User training Data Content Applications Tools Dimensional Modeling Exercise Exercise: Create a star schema diagram that will enable FIT-WORLD GYM INC. to analyze their revenue. à ¢Ã‹â€ ’ The fact table will include: for every instance of revenue taken attribute(s) useful for analyzing revenue. à ¢Ã‹â€ ’ The star schema will include all dimensions that can be useful for analyzing revenue. à ¢Ã‹â€ ’ The only data sources available are shown bellow. SOURCE 1 FIT-WORLD GYM Operational Database: ER-Diagram and the tables based on it (with data) SOLUTION
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Strange Career of Jim Crow Essay example -- Civil Rights Movement
The Strange Career of Jim Crow C. Vann Woodward’s book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow, has been hailed as a book which shaped our views of the history of the Civil Rights Movement and of the American South. Martin Luther King, Jr. described the book as â€Å"the historical Bible of the civil rights movement.†The argument presented in The Strange Career of Jim Crow is that the Jim Crow laws were relatively new introductions to the South that occurred towards the turn of the century rather than immediately after the end of Reconstruction after the Civil War. Woodward examines personal accounts, opinions, and editorials from the eras as well as the laws in place at the times. He examines the political history behind the emergence of the Jim Crow laws. The Strange Career of Jim Crow gives a new insight into the history of the American South and the Civil Rights Movement. C. Vann Woodward’s The Strange Career of Jim Crow looks into the emergence of the Jim Crow laws beginning with the Reconstruction era and following through the Civil Rights Movement. Woodward contends that Jim Crow laws were not a part of the Reconstruction or the following years, and that most Jim Crow laws were in place in the North at that particular time. In the South, immediately after the end of slavery, most white southerners, especially the upper classes, were used to the presence and proximity of African Americans. House slaves were often treated well, almost like part of the family, or a favored pet, and many upper-class southern children were raised with the help of a ‘mammy’ or black nursery- maid. The races often mixed in the demi- monde, and the cohabitation of white men and black women were far from uncommon, and some areas even had spe... ...howing the true race relations throughout the south during that period. Jim Crow laws might not have been in effect and might have been though unnecessary by a portion of southerners, but it would be interesting to find out how many African Americans were lynched during the period before Jim Crow laws became prominent for ‘offenses’ which would later be illegal under Jim Crow. Just as Woodward quoted President Eisenhower as saying â€Å"you cannot change people’s hearts merely by law†(163), so the lack of Jim Crow legislation does not necessarily mean that some southerners wanted it and lived as though it existed. Works Cited: Woodward, C. V. The Strange Career of Jim Crow. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Works Consulted: C. Vann Woodward. 31 Oct. 2004. Wikipedia. 1 Nov. 2004 .
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Civil Marriage Essay
Civil marriage has lately turned into dubious issue in Lebanon. It has turned into a political issue questionable by most gatherings on both side of political divide. Media has been publicizing it seriously. The idea of civil marriage has picked up much region in this nation and right now arrived at the point of no return. As such it can never again be disregarded or overlooked. Nowadays, civil marriage is authorized in many countries. In our country, we had arguments against this issue from both religious authorities and some political parties. First of all, Lebanon’s top Sunni Muslim power issued a fatwa against moves to authorize civil relational unions inside the country, where couples of diverse religions need to venture out abroad to get married. This fatwa declares: â€Å"Every Muslim official whether a deputy or a minister, who supports legalization of civil marriage, even if it is optional, is an apostate and outside the Islamic religion, would not be washed, would not be wrapped in a burial shroud, would not have prayers for their soul in line with Islamic rules, and would not be buried in Muslim cemetery†. Moreover, as far as it matters for him, Sheikh Ghassan Halaby, consultant to Druze spiritual leader Sheikh Naim Hassan told the Daily Star that his religious group contradicts this marriage, particularly without any earlier exertion to teach people in general what a law change might mean. In addition, Ibrahim Saad, the leader of one of the country’s Greek Orthodox profound courts, said that as a submitted Christian he supports marriage in the church. Nonetheless, he unequivocally upheld a law that might take into consideration discretionary civil marriage. So these are attitudes of religions against this type of marriage.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
John Dewey-Role of the Teacher Essay
John Dewey An American philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer, John Dewey (October 20, 1859 – June 1, 1952) was one of the recognized founders of Pragmatism and a leader in progressive movement in U. S. education during the first half of the 20th century. The individual being, its relationship with the organizational or societal dynamics as well as the reason or logic around it is the essence of progressive philosophy of John Dewey. Cooper (1995) in Wells (2006) states that problem solving and creating skills, needed for in today’s world is emphasized in a progressivist curriculum which should be built around the students’ needs and personal experiences and it is a must for a teacher to present lessons that simulate a real-life situation to their students. Teachers’ understanding of an individual should be based on critical analysis evaluation using practical or realistic verification. Dewey (University of Albany, 2006) states that a person using the â€Å"problem solving approach†and the â€Å"experimental focus†of scientific method to govern their own life was the building block of how reasonable and ethical organizations operate and that school should be â€Å"child centered†with the curriculum and instruction tailored to facilitate the development of the individual. According to Sidorsky (1977), Dewey called as oppressive the elementary and secondary schools for they do not promote exploration and growth, thus, through his works a number of reforms in schools around the U. S. were implemented to enhance the development of free personalities. Dewey’s belief (1938) that schools should teach its students how to think rather than learning rote lessons and develop analytical approach in problem solving in real life situations. According to Campbell (1995), Dewey espoused judgment focus schools rather than knowledge should be developed and used in order for school children to become mature persons and can give sound judgments on the problems of human living. Further, he believes that schools, as an institution, should inculcate in the minds of the students and put to practice the learned techniques on how to live and work cooperatively and harmoniously with others. As Dewey’s beliefs focused on the learner’s right to participate on any decision that will affect their learning, he was more concerned with teachers’ rights as well as their academic freedom. Flanagan (1994) states that Dewey’s aim was to create a laboratory school where children are free to learn for themselves with an able tutelage from a professional mentor. It was in the old school according to Dewey (Flanagan, 1994) that the teachers forced the learners against their will or interest in order to learn the structured or established subjects. There were two main teacher functions according to John Dewey. First, the teacher must guide the young learner through life complexities and give them opportunities to learn in the natural way by means of solving relevant problems. Second, a teacher must also enable the young learner to adequately cope with contemporary conditions and the new tasks, which an unforeseeable future may bring. In Dewey’s type â€Å"classroom,†the teachers should plan its lessons in order to arouse students’ curiosity and push them to a higher level of knowledge thus encourage them to learn by doing and to interact with one another, and develop cooperation and tolerance as a virtue. Also, they are encouraged to solve problems on a variety of actual situations which they may encounter outside the four walls of the classroom and in the process develop flexibility in problem solving as well as in acquiring needed tools necessary for adulthood (Wells, 2006). Progressivists’ Dewey according to Wells (2006) believes that this approach to education is a perpetually enriching process of ongoing growth. The critical thinking skills development can be best achieved through soliciting queries from students. In a progressive classroom, the teacher creates practical activities that would guide the students through problem solving and show its relevance to their lives outside of the classroom. Wells (2006) also states that these teaching methods also include guided discovery and hands-on learning. She stated that not only do the students discuss what they are learning, but they also experience it through role-playing. Finally, according to Wells (2006), the progressivist teacher believes that in â€Å"hands-on†approach, children will learn better. Dewey (1938) in Flanagan (1994) wrote that teacher’s school presence as community member was to select the influences that will affect the young learner and to assist them in the appropriate responses to the given influences and not to impose upon them certain ideas or to form certain habits. Further, the teacher’s business is simply to determine, on the basis of varied experiences and sound wisdom, how the disciplines of life shall develop the personality of the child. According to Dewey (1938) it is the primordial obligation of an educator to comprehensively understand the nature of human experiences otherwise they will fail in their responses to young learners. In Neil (2005), it was stated that experience arises from the interaction of two principles  continuity and interaction as conceptualized by Dewey. In sum, individual’s present experience is a function of the interaction between one’s past experiences and the present situation. Finally, an environment full of socially-interacting relationships coupled with relevance and responsive to young child’s needs is the key to learning. The students, in this type of environment, create relationship between their classmates, friends or between them and their teachers thus facilitate their learning. These relationships make the children more comfortable and safe and in return they receive good learning needed in their lives. References: Campbell, J. (1995) Understanding john dewey. Nature and co-operative intelligence, Chicago: Open Court. Dewey, J. (1938) Experience and education, New York: Collier Books. Dewey, J. (1938/1997). Experience and education. Macmillan. Flanagan, F. (1994). John Dewey. The great educators,’ First series. Minerva – An Internet Journal of Philosophy. Volume 1. Retrieved March 15, 2006, from http://www. ul. ie/~philos/vol1/index. html Neill, J (2005). 500 Word summary of dewey’s â€Å"experience & education. †Retrieved March 15, 2006, from http://www. wilderdom. com/ experiential/SummaryJohnDeweyExperienceEducation. html Sidorsky, D. (1997). John dewey: the essential writings. New York: Harper and Row, 1977. Wells, C. (2006). My teaching philosophy. Retreived March 15, 2006, from www. webpages. csus. edu/~sac40265/teaching. htm.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
My Autobiographical Essay essays
My Autobiographical Essay essays While thinking about what to write for my autobiographical essay, I looked at a special clock that I got from my uncle for Christmas. This clock was special in that it keeps track of the time by lifting up metal balls one at a time to the top with a motor that has a plastic arm and drops the ball off in rows. When a row is filled the hour is over, and the row is then dumped and the process cycles through again with the same metal balls in the same order. Reaching out to play around with this sensitive system, I knock one row, and all the balls fell out of placed. Reassembling the system reminded me of the time when I had to go to school for the first time. My days were routine like how a ball on my clock would cycle through the hours and be at the same location every day. I would wake up and remember my manners that my mom taught me, say good morning to my grandparents. After that, I would brush my teeth, which my grandpa would check afterward to see that I have really, had brushed them.Giving the okay, my grandma would serve me breakfast every day consisting of two scrambled eggs and rice. By this time my older cousins would arrive at my house, and grandma would serve them too. After they finished eating I would never have time to play with them because they would leave right afterward with my grandpa. At the afternoon my grandpa would be back with my cousins then I would finish the rest of my day playing with them. That was my day, I would always see the same people everyday like my clock would line up the same metal balls right next to each other every hour. The next day the cycle would start over again for a good two years. There were no weekends for me; Saturdays were just as good as my Mondays. I would never give any thought about that few hours when all of my cousins would be gone, and would just accept that things are the way they are and just move around it by playing with my little brother until they were back. The t...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay Example
Personal Nursing Philosophy Essay Example Personal Nursing Philosophy Paper Personal Nursing Philosophy Paper Nursing Philosophy Statement The philosophy of nursing is defined as the intellectual and affective outcomes of the professional nurse’s efforts to: 1) understand the ultimate relationships between humans, their environment, and health 2) approach nursing as a scientific discipline 3) Integrate a sense of values; and 4) articulate a personal belief system about human beings, environment, health, and nursing as a process, according to Leddy Pepper (1998). To understand the ultimate relationships between humans, their environment and health is to care for them. Caring so that each person is treated as a unique and special individual regardless of where he or she lives and where he or she is from. Nursing must truly care for and be sensitive with the needs of others. Nursing must set goals to promote the well being of patients and their families. Nurses are to use their knowledge and skill to provide the care that is appropriate for and required by patients. Nurses must provide care according to the standards that have been set by the profession. This requires an ongoing critical assessment of one’s professional nursing practice by self and others. This process enables nurses to improve their knowledge and skill so that patients and their families benefit. Nurses integrate a sense of value by reflecting on their personal experiences and examine their personal beliefs regarding patient care. The nurse can reflect on the reasons for choosing nursing as a career. It’s important to reflect on one’s character because personal qualities and characteristics help determine trust in a relationship. Quality care follows from a relationship based on trust and the promise that nurses have made to give competent and compassionate care. Nurses need to continually assess their ability to function within the health care system and the change in staff and skill mix. Nurses have the responsibility to maintain their competence and are accountable to communicate performance deficiencies. By communicating performance deficiencies to their supervisor, educational programs may be implemented to address these needs. This continuing assessment means nurses can better guarantee they are keeping their promise to provide due care. Promise keeping and a personal belief system about human beings, environment, health, and nursing as a process forms the basis for the special relationship that nurses have with their patients. Nurses have an understanding promise to provide care to patients. The expectation of patients and their families is that nurses will be there when patients require help with their health care needs. This personal belief system is grounded in the ethical principles of respect for persons. Respect for persons means that people matter. Patients are not reduced to objects but are instead viewed in their completeness and as having inherent worth and dignity. They are unique and are in charge of their own lives. People know what they desire and what is in their own best interest. Nurses have responsibilities to promote the well being of their patients. They are to treat people, as they ought to be treated and help those that are ill. Nurses are responsible and accountable to the patients for whom they are providing care. Patients expect that nurses will act in accord with their interests, and that nurses will not abandon them whenever they need help. Both parties expect that each will be honest. Each expects to be treated with respect. When people reach out to one another, this helps to form a bond or closeness. This caring relationship fosters communication between nurses and patients. Compassion, genuine concern for the other, and humanness are important in nursing.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
An Evolution Definition of Darwinism
An Evolution Definition of Darwinism Charles Darwin is known as the Father of Evolution for being the first person to publish his theory not only describing that evolution was a change in species over time but also put together a mechanism for how it works (called natural selection). There is arguably no other evolutionary scholar as well known and revered as Darwin. In fact, the term Darwinism has come to be synonymous with the Theory of Evolution, but what really is meant when people say the word Darwinism? And more importantly, what does Darwinism NOT mean? The Coining of the Term Darwinism, when it was first put into the lexicon by Thomas Huxley in 1860, was only meant to describe the belief that species change over time. In the most basic of terms, Darwinism became synonymous with Charles Darwins explanation of evolution and, to an extent, his description of natural selection. These ideas, first published in his arguably most famous book On the Origin of Species, were direct and have stood the test of time. So, originally, Darwinism only included the fact that species change over time due to nature selecting the most favorable adaptations within the population. These individuals with the better adaptations lived long enough to reproduce and pass those traits down to the next generation, ensuring the species survival. The Evolution of Darwinism While many scholars insist this should be the extent of information that the word Darwinism should encompass, it has somewhat evolved itself over time as the Theory of Evolution itself also changed when more data and information became readily available. For instance, Darwin did not know anything about Genetics as it wasnt until after his death that Gregor Mendel did his work with his pea plants and published the data. Many other scientists proposed alternative mechanisms for evolution during a time which became known as neo-Darwinism. However, none of these mechanisms held up over time and Charles Darwins original assertions were restored as the correct and leading Theory of Evolution. Now, the Modern Synthesis of the Evolutionary Theory is sometimes described using the term Darwinism, but this is somewhat misleading since it includes not only Genetics but also other topics not explored by Darwin like microevolution via DNA mutations and other molecular biological tenets. What Darwinism Is NOT In the United States, Darwinism has taken on a different meaning to the general public. In fact, opponents to the Theory of Evolution have taken the term Darwinism and created a false definition of the word that brings up a negative connotation for many who hear it. The strict Creationists have taken the word hostage and created a new meaning which is often perpetuated by those in the media and others who do not truly understand the real meaning of the word. These anti-evolutionists have taken the word Darwinism to not only mean a change in species over time but have lumped in the origin of life along with it. Darwin did not assert any sort of hypothesis on how life on Earth began in any of this writings and only could describe what he had studied and had evidence to back up. Creationists and other anti-evolutionary parties either misunderstood the term Darwinism or purposefully hijacked it to make it more negative. The term has even been used to describe the origin of the universe b y some extremists, which is way beyond the realm of anything Darwin would have made a conjecture on at any time in his life. In other countries around the world, however, this false definition is not present. In fact, in the United Kingdom where Darwin did most of his work, it is a celebrated and understood term that is commonly used instead of the Theory of Evolution through Natural Selection. There is no ambiguity of the term there and it is used correctly by scientists, the media, and the general public every day.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Why is discretion important in the criminal process Essay
Why is discretion important in the criminal process - Essay Example This paper will discuss the importance of discretion in the criminal process. Discretion plays a key role in the criminal process starting from the reporting of crime. The public must take initiative to report criminal activities to the relevant authorities. Studies have shown that there is a discrepancy between committed crimes and reported crimes (Snyder, 1990). This has led to questionable figures released by the official statistics of crime. It is, therefore, of a noble cause that citizens report all witnessed crimes for the authorities to be able to publish reliable information and statistics. Citizens should exercise discretion and realize that no crime is too trivial to be reported or feel embarrassed about. Lack of discretion leads to fear of victimization or reprisal. A significant result of correct statistics is the ability to properly plan strategies to curb crimes and improve the security system (Marc, 1992). Decisions by the police not to bring into play the criminal process establish the limits of law enforcement (Snyder, 1990). They must use discretion to make choices founded on numerous possibilities of courses of action. The law does not cover every possible crime that may be committed to the required details. Likewise, the training police officers receive cannot entail all the situations they will encounter in the line of duty (Marc, 1992). This is where discretion comes into play in law enforcement. It will help the law enforcers to shun special interests from corrupt individuals such as politicians and perpetrators of domestic violence who walk free after offering bribes. When the police identify a suspect, they must use discretion on deciding how to approach them (Snyder, 1990). A consideration is taken as to whether to arrest or employ alternative procedures like issuing a notice to attend court. Judges and magistrates need to exercise utmost discretion when hearing a matter placed before them in all stages of
Friday, October 18, 2019
Survey finding & conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Survey finding & conclusion - Essay Example Nonetheless, this sporting activity seems not to be popular among university student and the research was carried to determine their attitude towards the sport and how the same could be increased among the same students. The research was carried through interviews. 3.1. The Cause Taken By the Participating Student in the Research Table 1: showing the respondent per QUTCI Course Figure 1: participating students in the study in relation to the course they are taking 3.1.1. Findings From the findings as indicated in the figure 1 above, it is apparent among the 20 students who participated in the study most of them were those who registered for the diploma studies. Statistically, 14 were registered for diploma studies, 5 were registered for the foundation studies, and only one registered for EAP. 3.1.2. Conclusion Students registered for diploma has the more free time to participate in the study than students perusing other courses. Notably, rock climbing has not become a popular sportin g activity among students since the climbing sites are never around schools among other learning institutions. Additionally, of the students usually consider rock climbing as dangerous activity (Hill, 2007). Therefore, other students never wanted to participate since they might have regarded that the entire excise could have been a waste time since they knew less or virtually nothing regarding rock climbing. This statistics indicates that there are needs to promote the sport among the student even those who feel that they are too busy and committed in their studies. 3.2. Participants According to Ethnicity or Country of Origin Figure 2: showing participant per ethnicity or country of origin Table 2: showing the number of participants per country or ethnicity 3.2.1. Findings It apparent from the graph 2 and table 2 above those different students from different ethnicity perceive the different sporting activity. From the table 2 above, only China, Korea, and India showed a significant participation in the research at figure of 4 for student from china and 3 students each for Korea and India. 3.2.2. Conclusion This indicate that different students form different ethnicity or country perceive research activity in different ways. Some of the student perceives research as means of development through understanding the research question through participation. However, some students usually consider research work as a waste of time and they may convert such time into other useful activities (Hill, 2007). Additionally, different nations usually have different perception to different sporting activities. Therefore, some will tend to understand sporting activities through research especially that affect their citizens directly. For instance, student from Brazil are expected to focus match on research involving football as opposed to rock climbing and this indicates why only one student participated in the research (Kidd, Hazelrigs, and Wilderness Education Association (U .S.), 2009). The same reason may apply to other students; moreover, it is worth noting that students from certain countries never value sporting activities and that result above support their poor participation. 3.3. The Participants who have ever participated in Rock Climbing Ever Participated in Rock Climbing YES NO 3 17 Table 3: Showing the number
Problems and Risks Exposed to the Boiler Operators Assignment
Problems and Risks Exposed to the Boiler Operators - Assignment Example The people that are mostly subjected to these risks are the physical laborers employed as boiler operators and the study is based in Brazilian industries where the use of boilers is most common than in any other nation. The operators of the boilers are exposed to a number of health risks and problems that include: pains of different intensity in the body, muscle fatigue and diseases resulting from the heavy weight and exposure to heat. Moreover, the utilizing of the boiler implies various types of accidents such as burns, injuries, fires, and explosions; additionally, there is the increase of heart rate of the operator exposed to the excessive heat which occurs due to heat exchanges between the body and the environment leading to blood in the heart. A number of factors and parameters that are considered in the article; basically, the key aspects put first in this situation included the main risks of activities in the boiler which circled around the burns, pains and other injuries, factors that lead to the increased heart rate and how they can be eliminated, influence of thermal overload in the human body, and the physical workload where the boiler operators are forced to lift heavy loads due to the lack of proper mechanization which also has adverse effects that deteriorate the health especially when one puts into consideration that this takes place in a working condition that has excessive heat. Generally, the different factors were evaluated in a boiler where a thorough study was conducted; furthermore, there were a number of instruments that were used in the study i.e. a heart rate monitor, a digital chronometer, a wet-bulb globe thermometer (WBGT), a tape measure and a digital infrared camera.Â
To what extent do we need evidence to support our beliefs in different Essay
To what extent do we need evidence to support our beliefs in different areas of knowledge - Essay Example And the more the evidences are present -- evidences that are not contrary among one another -- in supporting a specific scientific belief, the more such belief becomes truthful or objective. In Bayesianism, evidences from a set of observational results for a particular hypothesis largely increase the â€Å"probability [or validity] of that hypothesis†(Achinstein 4). Furthermore, scientific belief greatly influences the person who holds such belief. Assuming that evidences validate a specific theory, the thought and action of the individual are strongly shaped by his or her belief system. For instance, a person who considers the existence or truthfulness of the so-called global warming will express, one way or the other, his or her belief of promoting and pursuing a kind of clean and green environment. Perhaps he or she will take this action to a much higher level (e.g., mass demonstration) if such person believes that the continued apathy of the government or state concerning global warming will theoretically result an environmental catastrophe. However, evidences do not make the natural science truly objective or free from error. ... But some scientists also claim that global warming does not exist; they contend that climate change or the increasing heat temperature experienced on the planet Earth is merely a natural phenomenon, which dates back to a hundred years. Moreover, the human specie is an evolving creature that has the natural capacity to adapt in the changing environment. Interpretation to particular evidence is far from objective or scientific. A set of data does not translate to a scientific theory or law. Whether the phenomenon of global warming is true or not, interpretation or deciphering the available observable data remains to be problematic. Going away from the much politicized science (i.e., global warming), the scientists in the Middle Ages believed that the Earth was the center of the cosmos, not the sun. Their evidence was that the common-sense perception of what they saw around them. In reply to Wittgenstein’s query, someone said, â€Å"Well, obviously, because it just looks as if t he sun is going around the earth†(qtd. in Dawkins 406). Thus, interpretation matters over a set of evidences. In history as the area of knowledge, evidences or sources are very essential in verifying the truthfulness of the claim or theory made by the historian. Especially historians who study ancient civilizations, sources are necessary in order to prove that their ideas or â€Å"beliefs†are true or accurate. And gathering a number of sources or evidences relevant to the study in question makes the historical record or writing truly comprehensive and objective. Undoubtedly, sources or evidences should be reliable (Child et al. 12). In addition, historical claim or belief influences the person’s mental
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Tenerife Airport Disaster Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Tenerife Airport Disaster - Case Study Example Air travel is undoubtedly the safest way to travel. This claim is best expressed by a statement of an aviation researcher at the University of Miami, Earl Wiener who stated that in USA alone "There are 15,000 to 20,000 takeoffs a day. Half a billion passengers a year, in a hostile environment, get to their destination safely and quickly" (Chandler, 1996,p.52). While we encounter almost daily news about land transportation mishaps and regularly hear news of ships, large or small, sinking in seas, air transportation mishaps come far and in between. Thus, it is the best preferred means to travel, especially involving long distances. Because of such growing transport demand, the number of aircraft in operation is constantly on the rise while bigger, behemoth aircrafts which are capable of transporting a large number of people are being built. Thus, when air accidents occur, we hear of many people perishing in such accidents. Despite the fact that modern airplanes are now designed to be as safe as possible and are now built with stronger materials with more powerful engines and at faster speeds and are much bigger and heavier and with improvement in its equipment and its operation that practically ensures safety, yet airplane crashes still occur (Grolier, 1994). In January 2010 alone, 2 airplanes crashed i.e. one involving the Ethiopian Airlines that crashed in Beirut, Lebanon and killing all 90 people on board (Walker, 2010) and the other one involving the Alaska CentralAir Disaster 3 Express cargo airplane that crashed off Sand Point, Alaska and snuffing the lives of the 2 pilots aboard (Anchorage Daily News, 2010). It seems that airplane mishaps is inevitable and that people concerned have no option but prepare a good emergency response plan and management to mitigate the disaster and rescue whatever can be rescued. Statistics show that from 1954 to 2004, 1402 crashes had occurred and that 25,664 lives had perished in the process ( It is also a known fact that more than 50% of all accidents occur during the final approach and landing stages. But what is considered more dangerous is the climbing stage of the aircraft, where fatal accidents may occur. It is possible that airplane defects may go undetected as the plane leaves the gate but such defect will become apparent when the plane takes off the ground and begins climbing. When the pilots realize that such defect exists, they
Macbeth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Macbeth - Essay Example It is under this contemporary socio-political ambience that one has to re-read William Shakespeare’s classic tragedy, Macbeth. Its relevance is in our own socio-political scenario. It shows that though there is enough goodness in the society, the evil forces often dominate. The rulers are more concerned about their self achievements and gains than the collective progress of the society. This leads to the dominance of the evil over the goodness around. But Shakespeare predicts the failure of the evil and final victory for the good. It was the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384BC -322 BC) who defined the dramatic form of Tragedy in his great work â€Å"Poetics†. According to Aristotle, a tragic hero should never be perfect. The fall of a completely virtuous person from a height will create only moral anger among the audience. The fall of a villainous person will only satisfy the moral sense among the audience for the appropriate punishment for the villain .Thus Aristotle in sists that the best tragic hero exists in between such extremes. â€Å"A person who is neither perfect in virtue and justice nor one who falls into misfortune through vice and depravity, but rather one who succumbs through some miscalculation†(Poetics, Chapter 13). According to the Aristotelian standards Shakespeare’s Macbeth falls into one of the best tragic heroes possible. ... Macbeth is a Scottish general who is depicted as a courageous soldier. Macbeth appears in the play first as wounded captain who narrates his courageous acts in the battle field. So the initial impression created is that he is a brave and efficient soldier. Such a man is not, by natural logic prone to commit evil deeds. But this perspective about him gets upset once he interacts with the three witches who prophecies that he is to be the future king. With this prophecy, his physical courage gives away as a mask to the hunger for more and more power and advancement in the power structure. This forces him to commit evil deeds. Just the prediction that he will become the king was enough to trigger these inner self full of ambitions. Ambitions also lead him to self doubts too. Thus the character of Macbeth is a battle field of three strong attributes of his character – Physical strength and courage, ambition for more power, and self doubt. All these attributes are so strong that thr ough out the play they battle with each other for supremacy. Finally his ambitions take over leading to a sense of guilt too. What emerges out is a man of very weak character. Thus Macbeth turns out to be not a Shakespearean villain, but a tragic hero, who perishes by his own doings. The villains of Shakespeare like Edmund in King Lear or Iago in Othello or Richard the third in the play by the same name are mere villains and not tragic heroes, because they have the inner strength to subdue any sort of sense of guilt and self doubt. They are sure characters who knew what they are doing. Macbeth on the other hand is not equipped mentally to face the after effects of the crimes he commits. His courage and strength are more
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Tenerife Airport Disaster Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Tenerife Airport Disaster - Case Study Example Air travel is undoubtedly the safest way to travel. This claim is best expressed by a statement of an aviation researcher at the University of Miami, Earl Wiener who stated that in USA alone "There are 15,000 to 20,000 takeoffs a day. Half a billion passengers a year, in a hostile environment, get to their destination safely and quickly" (Chandler, 1996,p.52). While we encounter almost daily news about land transportation mishaps and regularly hear news of ships, large or small, sinking in seas, air transportation mishaps come far and in between. Thus, it is the best preferred means to travel, especially involving long distances. Because of such growing transport demand, the number of aircraft in operation is constantly on the rise while bigger, behemoth aircrafts which are capable of transporting a large number of people are being built. Thus, when air accidents occur, we hear of many people perishing in such accidents. Despite the fact that modern airplanes are now designed to be as safe as possible and are now built with stronger materials with more powerful engines and at faster speeds and are much bigger and heavier and with improvement in its equipment and its operation that practically ensures safety, yet airplane crashes still occur (Grolier, 1994). In January 2010 alone, 2 airplanes crashed i.e. one involving the Ethiopian Airlines that crashed in Beirut, Lebanon and killing all 90 people on board (Walker, 2010) and the other one involving the Alaska CentralAir Disaster 3 Express cargo airplane that crashed off Sand Point, Alaska and snuffing the lives of the 2 pilots aboard (Anchorage Daily News, 2010). It seems that airplane mishaps is inevitable and that people concerned have no option but prepare a good emergency response plan and management to mitigate the disaster and rescue whatever can be rescued. Statistics show that from 1954 to 2004, 1402 crashes had occurred and that 25,664 lives had perished in the process ( It is also a known fact that more than 50% of all accidents occur during the final approach and landing stages. But what is considered more dangerous is the climbing stage of the aircraft, where fatal accidents may occur. It is possible that airplane defects may go undetected as the plane leaves the gate but such defect will become apparent when the plane takes off the ground and begins climbing. When the pilots realize that such defect exists, they
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Original Component Essay Example for Free
Original Component Essay The goal was to determine a credible and accurate method for measuring human capital. Knowledge capital is a concept that has not received much attention in terms of research. One of the unique aspects of this study was the fact that the data collected were from the information technology field, particularly from those who deal with knowledge management. This was in contrast to previous studies where finance, accounting, and/or human resources professionals were the respondents. The findings indicated that the methods currently used to value human knowledge were borrowed from either human resources or from finance. This also indicated that knowledge management was not embraced as a part of its strategy. Since the responses were received from knowledgeable experts, the results represented a true picture of the problem. Another reason for its uniqueness was due to the fact that the study was conducted in two separate phases with their corresponding findings compared. It was also important to note that the companies selected represented all of the industries. The combination of all these attributes thus, made the method unique. According to previous studies, much research has been devoted to knowledge management. In addition, books, journals, and articles have all been written about the said topic. However, none has focused on knowledge capital valuation and its related impacts. Individuals and organizations became reluctant to pursue this type of valuation. This was due to the fact that many felt that it was impossible to accurately measure knowledge capital. For this research, all of the respondents agreed that the methods to measure knowledge capital do not fully represent its true value because they were only based on assumptions. On the other hand, companies, researchers, and scholars struggled with the question of how to value knowledge capital because it increasingly gained importance. In this case, the study has formed a base for other researchers to build on. This study has also provided a way of perceiving knowledge capital and proposed an easier way of calculating its value. The study clarified the possibility of measuring knowledge capital. However, organizations can only measure the value of knowledge by identifying the knowledge gaps within its current employees. In this context, knowledge management must be incorporated at the highest levels of the organization. 6. 4 Contributions Knowledge capital has become one of the most important assets in any organization, including corporations, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. However, without knowing its value, organizations cannot determine whether they are fully utilizing it or not. Most Internet businesses have no physical assets, while some rely solely on outsourcing. Therefore, there is a need to determine the value of human capital to ascertain the value of an organization. Moreover, many Internet businesses were publicly traded, and were obliged to represent the true and accurate value of their company to investors . During mergers and acquisition transactions, companies experience the problem of determining the value of knowledge or human capital. In turn, they use the term â€Å"goodwill. †However, goodwill is actually an invented concept. If companies can determine the value of their knowledge capital, there is no need to use the vague concept of goodwill. Knowing the value of knowledge capital helps a company hire the right people, assign the proper people to particular jobs, and provide employees with the appropriate tools and environment. Without knowing the value of what is needed, how can they measure knowledge capital or increase its value? This research aimed to contribute information to both the knowledge field and to profit-making organizations. The purpose of this research was to examine how organizations determine the value of their human capital, while gaining a sustainable competitive advantage. The research effort will be applied by and for profit organizations to determine their true value, maximizing the value of human capital to increase the shareholders’ wealth. Individuals will understand the value of their human capital and be able to start managing it for maximum return to themselves, as well as their organizations. In addition, E-businesses will find the results useful because the value of their organizations depends primarily on the value of their intellectual capital. The study also focused on the determination methods used by profit-making organizations in the evaluation of human capital. Therefore, other researchers may find the results of this study relevant, while conducting other studies in the future. 6. 5 Limitations Several difficulties or challenges were encountered while conducting this study that may have influenced results, either positively or negatively: Limitations faced by the researcher during the process of this study included the persuasion of organizations to adopt the new or standard metric of measuring Knowledge Capital, communication for benefits to be derived from findings, the lack of industrial experience and practical knowledge, and the deficiency of funds for quality productions. 6. 6 Scope for Future Research The purpose of this study was to determine how organizations value knowledge capital and how they make it grow. The study examined data collected across industries and the responses were nearly uniform. They all agreed that there is no standard method of measuring human capital. In addition, all agreed that the methods currently used to measure knowledge capital are inadequate for representing its true value. Hence, the value of knowledge capital is not calculated. Based on this study, the author recommends that further research be conducted to develop a model or standard method for measuring knowledge capital across all industries. The model must be easy, accurate, and practical. Moreover, while conducting future research, future researchers should bear in mind the following recommendations: It is important to be in partnership with someone who has industrial experience, or better yet, seek support or sponsorship from companies. This would also solve the problem of funding. Second, use a combination of data collection instruments, such as face-to-face interviews and questionnaires. Collect both quantitative and qualitative data to validate the results. Lastly, a year or two would be the best preference in conducting this research, especially it it is on a global scale.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Techspeak and Medtalk in Healthcare
Techspeak and Medtalk in Healthcare Running head: MEDTALK IN HEALTHCARE According to Harvard Health Commentaries (2006), physicians and other health care providers often use technical language when talking to their patients about health related issues. They use words that are not particularly technical but to a person who is unfamiliar with medical terminology, these words may still be difficult to understand. This is called techspeak or medtalk (Harvard Health Commentaries, 2006). Arbetter (1992) and Harvard Health Commentaries (2006) emphasizes the importance of understanding doctors suggestions and recommendations in regards to health, however understanding their terminology will be a struggle. Learning a few Latin and Greek root words and some common prefixes and suffixes will help a non-medical person have greater understanding of medtalk. because most of the medical terms are composed of word parts that have their origins in Ancient Greek or Latin (Arbetter, 1992). Harvard Health Commentaries (2006) suggest that taking a Latin class will not help much. They state the following: Perhaps thats because many of the most common terms doctors used are simply regular words used in a different way than what is usual for most people. And while technical terms are more readily noticed and translated, the less technical terms may be even harder to spot and avoid. Some doctors will use words or phrases to avoid giving patients misinformation. Harvard Health Commentaries (2006) gives this example: After chemotherapy, the lesion on chest X-ray disappeared. The term lesion could refer to a rash, lump or abnormality. The meaning of the term could refer to something insignificant or something severe. Physicians will use this term because more information is needed. They will avoid a more specific term such as cancer to describe the situation until there is more definitive information. This also prevents patients to worry about a medical situation that is still unclear.  Although Arbetter (1992) considers taking a Latin and Greek class to be unhelpful in understanding medical terminology, learning common Greek and Latin root words, prefixes, and suffixes highly used in the medical field will give greater understanding of medical terminology, or the study of terms that are used in the art and science of medicine (Arbetter, 1992). Here are some common Latin, Greek, and prefixes and suffixes used in medtalk presented by Arbetter (1992). Latin words, vaso or angio both means vessel or vessels, so an angiogram would mean an X-ray of the blood vessels. A vasodilator would be a drug that widens the blood vessels. Prefixes a or an means absent or without. Anorexia means without appetite and anemia means without blood. Prefixes hyper and hypo are often seen in medical terminology. Hyper- means increased or over, and hypo- means decreased, or under. Therefore, hyperthyroid would mean to have higher than normal activity of the thyroid gland and hypothyroid would mean just the opposite, to have lower than normal activity of this gland. The suffix -pathy and osis means disease or refers to a condition. Thus, neuropathy would refer to any disease of the nervous system. Nephrosis is a disease of the kidney. The suffix -ectomy refers to a surgical removal. An appendectomy is the surgical removal of the appendix. It is advantage for non-medical people to know the meaning of medical terms because understanding health-related issues can be beneficial. Knowing some medical terms sometimes prevent unnecessary worrying and can give confident in dealing with daily health-care situations/ According to Harvard Health Commentaries (2006), it is important to talk to your doctor, listen carefully, and ask for explanations especially if something is unclear. It is also recommended to ask for clarification in situations where you encounter words that are unfamiliar. References Harvard Health Commentaries. 2006, November. Tech speak. Harvard Health Publications Group. Retrieved from Arbetter, S. 1992. How to speak medtalk. Current Health 2, a Weekly Reader publication, May 1992, p. 24.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Strain Theories of Criminal Behaviour Essay -- Strain Theories of Crim
Strain theories of criminal behaviour have been amongst the most important and influential in the field of criminology. Taking a societal approach, strain theories have sought to explain deficiencies in social structure that lead individuals to commit crime (Williams and McShane 2010). Strain theories operate under the premise that there is a societal consensus of values, beliefs, and goals with legitimate methods for achieving success. When individuals are denied access to legitimate methods for achieving success, the result is anomie or social strain. This often leads an individual to resort to deviant or criminal means to obtain the level of success that they are socialized to pursue. This is the basic premise of strain theory. This paper will explore the evolution of strain theories by first examining their intellectual foundations which laid the foundation for Robert Merton’s theories of anomie and strain. Merton’s strain theory will be discussed in detail includin g the modes of adaptation that people use when faced with societal strain. Finally, the paper will conclude with the strengths and weaknesses of Merton’s strain theory and an examination of the criminological theories and social policies it has influenced. To gain an accurate understanding of strain theories it is best to first examine their intellectual foundations. One of the most important influences on the development of strain theories was sociologist Emile Durkheim. A structural functionalist, Durkheim argued that deviance and crime were not only normal, but also served a function in society. Durkheim believed that crime served the purpose of displaying to members of society what behaviours and actions are considered unacceptable as determined by societal co... ...y are bombarded from birth that they should desire and pursue money, power, fame, and success. Without achieving these goals they are seen as failures. Strain theories have shown that placing too much emphasis on individual success and the pursuit of happiness through the accumulation of power and wealth, can lead to an increase in crime. References Featherstone, R., & Deflem, M. (2003). Anomie and strain: Context and consequences of Merton’s two theories. Sociological Inquiry, 73(4), 471-489. Murphy, D., & Robinson, M. (2008). The maximizer: clarifying Merton’s theories of anomie and strain. Theoretical Criminology, 12(4), 501-521. Willis, C. (1982). Durkheim’s concept of anomie: Some observations. Sociological Inquiry, 52(2), 106-113. Williams, F., & McShane, M. (2010). Criminological Theory, (5th Edition). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Shakespeare - Artisan of the Atmosphere in Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer
Shakespeare - Artisan of the Atmosphere in Macbeth     Shakespeare in his tragedy Macbeth removes any doubt that he is a true artist at developing atmosphere. Let us examine his construction of the atmosphere in this tragedy.  Lily B. Campbell in her volume of criticism, Shakespeare's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion, explains how the atmosphere of terror and fear is built up:  Macbeth is, however, not only a study of fear; it is a study in fear. The sounds and images in the play combine to give the atmosphere of terror and fear. The incantation of the witches, the bell that tolls while Duncan dies, the cries of Duncan, the cries of the women as Lady Macbeth dies, the owl, the knocking at the gate, the wild horses that ate each other, the story, the quaking of the earth - all of these are the habitual accompaniments of the willfully fearful in literature. (238-39)  Charles Lamb in On the Tragedies of Shakespeare comments on the atmosphere surrounding the play:  The state of sublime emotion into which we are elevated by those images of night and horror which Macbeth is made to utter, that solemn prelude with which he entertains the time till the bell shall strike which is to call him to murder Duncan, - when we no longer read it in a book, when we have given up that vantage-ground of abstraction which reading possesses over seing, and come to see a man in his bodily shape before our eyes actually preparing to commit a muder, if the acting be true and impressive as I have witnessed it in Mr. K's performance of that part, the painful anxiety about the act, the natural longing to prevent it while it yet seems unperpetrated, the too close pressing semblance of reality, give a pain and an uneasiness [. . .]. (134)  In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye shows how the atmosphere is altered for the better at the end of the play:  This theme is at its clearest where we are most in sympathy with the nemesis. Thus at the end of Macbeth, after the proclamation "the time is free," and of promises to make reparations of Macbeth's tyranny "Which would be planted newly with the time," there will be a renewal not only of time but of the whole rhythm of nature symbolized by the word "measure," which includes both the music of the spheres and the dispensing of human justice [.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Business Model and Strategic Plan Essay
For more than four decades, the semiconductor industry has distinguished itself by the rapid pace of improvement in its products. Trends have resulted principally from the industry’s ability to exponentially decrease the minimum feature sizes used to fabricate integrated circuits and other products. Of course, the most frequently cited trend is in integration level, which is usually expressed as Moore’s Law (that is, the number of components per chip doubles roughly every 24 months). The most significant trend is the decreasing cost-per-function, which has led to significant improvements in economic productivity and overall quality of life through proliferation of computers, communication, and other industrial and consumer electronics. All of these improvement trends, sometimes called â€Å"scaling†trends, have been enabled by large R&D investments. In the last three decades, the growing size of the required investments has motivated industry collaboration an d spawned many R&D partnerships, consortia, and other cooperative ventures. To help guide these R&D programs, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) initiated The National Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (NTRS), which had 1992, 1994, and 1997 editions. In 1998, the SIA was joined by corresponding industry associations in Europe, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan to participate in a 1998 update of the Roadmap and to begin work toward the first International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), published in 1999. Since then, the ITRS has been updated in even-numbered years and fully revised in odd-numbered years. The overall objective of the ITRS is to present industry-wide consensus on the â€Å"best current estimate†of the industry’s research and development needs out to a 15-year horizon. As such, it provides a guide to the efforts of companies, universities, governments, and other research providers or funders. The ITRS has improved the quality of R&D investment decisions made at all levels and has helped channel research efforts to areas that most need research breakthroughs. It is forecasted that by the end of this next decade (2019) it will be necessary to augment the capabilities of the CMOS process by introduc ing multiple new devices that will hopefully realize some properties beyond the ones of CMOS devices. However, it is believed that most likely these new devices will not have all the properties of CMOS devices and therefore it is anticipated that heterogeneous integration either at the chip level or at the package level will integrate these new capabilities around a CMOS core. The participation and continued consensus of semiconductor experts from Europe, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the U.S.A. ensure that the 2011 ITRS remains the definitive source of guidance for semiconductor research as we strive to extend the historical advancement of semiconductor technology and the integrated circuit market. ON Semiconductor Corporation was founded in 1999 and acquired Cherry Semiconductor the next year. In the next six years, from 2005 to 2011, the company opened seven Solution Engineering Centers in Korea, Oregon, Taiwan, and Germany, California, China, and Japan. In addition, the company also acquired ten companies, namely LSI Logic Gresham, Oregon Design & Manufacturing Facility, ADI Volta ge Regulation & Thermal Management Group, AMI Semiconductor, Catalyst Semiconductor, PulseCore Semiconductor, California Micro Devices, Sound Design Technologies, Cypress Image Sensor Business Unit, and SANYO Semiconductor. The Application Products Group offers analog, mixed-signal, and advanced logic application specific integrated circuits (IC); power conversions and interfaces between AC and DC. The Standard Products Group offers discrete and integrated semiconductor products, such as power switching, signal conditioning and amplification, circuit protection, and voltage reference. The SANYO Semiconductor Products Group offers microcontrollers, analog and digital tuners and signal processing, and memory semiconductors. In 2013, the company introduced the industry’s highest resolution optical image stabilization (OIS) integrated circuit (IC) for smartphone camera modules. Strategic Plan Part I: Conceptualizing in Business A solid strategic analysis is beneficial to shareholders, employees, customers, and decisions makers within a company. The core of an effective strategic plan contains a well-thought and informative mission statement. Using the ON Semiconductor Corporation as a benchmark, a mission statement has been developed to differentiate the company’s products from the competition. In addition, the vision statement as plays an important role in communicating the ultimate goal of the company’s strategic decisions. A driving force behind the mission and vision is the company’s values and ethical principles, which often dictate the choices made during strategic planning. When it is fully implemented, the strategic plan will allow ON Semiconductor Corporation to gain a strategic advantage over its established competitors. Mission Statement We will transform ON Semiconductor Corporation from a traditional broad-line semiconductor company to the leading supplier of programmable solutions in systems everywhere. Semiconductor consolidation is the recent trend of semiconductor companies collaborating in order to come to a practical synergy with the goal of being able to operate in a business model that can sustain profitability. Newly established solutions will be able to supply local communities with quality products at competitive prices while simultaneously creating value for shareholders. Vision Statement ON Semiconductor Corporation will grow into the largest provider in emerging markets. The brand will have an established presence in Asia, South America, and Europe with locations being found within the top 10 major cities on these continents. By saturating the world’s most populous metropolitan cities, ON Semiconductor Corporation will be the most recognizable Corporation in the world. Guiding Principles, Values, and Culture ON Semiconductor Corporation has several important ethical principles that influence major decisions in the strategic planning process. First, the company is concern about making quality products available to the lowest income groups. Therefore, it is important to keep a wide selection of low cost products available on the market. This becomes an especially important consideration as we expand in markets that experience high levels of economic struggle. Second, the company is committed to delivering exceptional customer service to its patrons. Customer loyalty is a driving factor towards the long-term success of the brand. Failing to deliver exceptional customer service could seriously hinder the ability to grow into new markets. In order for employees to express ON Semiconductor Corporation’s guiding principles, it is essential to create a corporate culture that reflects these principles. Providing ample opportunity for advancement within management hierarchy and the ability to participate in supplemental training will keep employee motivation high. As a result, employees will be eager to follow the ethical values set forth in the strategic plan. It is likely that the company will need to make slight modifications to organization culture to meet the preferences of various world cultures. Impact on Strategic Direction The mission, vision, and values of ON Semiconductor Corporation serve as the foundation for strategic decision making while the company gears up for expansion. When an unexpected variable causes a change in direction, the company will continue to use its mission as a guide for future choices. The primary mission is always to maximize shareholder profits, but the values determine the approach the company will take to achieve this goal. Overall, this will help the company build a corporate culture in these new markets that gains the respect of the community. If the company is considered to be helping the local community, the chances of creating an effective strategic plan are highly unlikely. Addressing Customer Needs Expanding into emerging markets presents a unique challenge to address customer’s needs. Every country exhibits its own unique culture and it is essential to pander to the preferences of each individual culture. A system that works in the United States is not likely to see the same level of success in Bangladesh, unless serious modifications are made to the business model. To overcome this challenge, the company will conduct independent research and use paid consultants to determine how to tailor the brand’s image for success in vastly different cultures. As time progresses, the company will be able to assess strengths and weaknesses by testing different models in each regional area. Gaining insightful knowledge about each country’s cultural preferences will allow the company to attain a competitive advantage. The nature of strategic management today is seen in the environment-driven strategies of successful firms competing in a diverse market. We must understand that faulty assumptions and false information can result in the formulation of poor or even disastrous plans, and change is constant and continuous; that yesterday’s good plan may not be relevant or of any value today (Pearce & Robinson, 2009). We have to realize that we live in a changing world and business organizations, governmental units and other entities, just like people, have to adjust and adapt to survive. Strategic Plan Part II: SWOTT Analysis SWOTT Analysis of ON Semiconductor Corporation is one of the most important components. By providing quality products and prices, the corporation has established a worldwide presence. This SWOTT analysis shows the various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends that will impact the company in the future. With promising growth prospects in emerging markets, the company has implemented an aggressive plan to be established throughout the world. This strategy poses several important risks and opportunities that shape the contents of the SWOTT analysis. Economic Trends Economic trends play a major role in the strategic decisions. The brand has an ambitions global growth plan that is sensitive to economic changes. For example, the company reports that China and India are it’s main targets for new locations and expects to see significant growth as economic conditions improve. As income levels rise in these countries, it is expected that new owners will be eager to implement proven concepts into the local community. In addition, higher incomes will provide greater opportunity for a loyal customer base. However, if economic conditions start on a downward trend then an aggressive expansion could be threatened by insufficient demand for their product. If franchise owners are not finding the locations profitable, it could create irreparable damage to the company’s image abroad and force the closure of new locations. Legal and Regulatory Forces Each new emerging market presents a unique mix of regulatory and legal challenges. For example, the company must adhere to specific regulations. Any major violations could create a major backlash to the brand to that could prevent future growth in the country. Supply Chain Operations Maintaining a consistent product is key to building customer loyalty for ON’s. Customers expect to purchase an identical product each time they make transactions with their company. In order to make this possible, the company has a sophisticated supply chain network in place to ensure every location has products available. This feat is achieved by utilizing regional distribution networks that supply owners with the proper equipment. Building a distribution network in overseas markets is significantly more risky than the United. Unknown distributer and freight companies must be chosen by the company to handle these important operational tasks. In the future, ON’s will be able to establish a strong supply network to minimize the threats faced in international supply chain operations. Opportunities Based on SWOTT Analysis The greatest opportunities for ON’s can be achieved by differentiating the brand from its main competitors. Primary competitors to ON’s market share include Intel Corp, Texas Instruments, Altera Corp and Xilinx Inc., which have established a dominating presence in international markets over the last several decades. ON’s has the ability to demonstrate value to their customers by delivering a product that is completely unique from most other companies. A marketing plan that outlines their unique experience that ON’s offers will help penetrate markets that are already occupied by competing companies. ON’s also has a great opportunity to achieve new innovations that can reduce labor costs. By implementing technology that can automate the duties of employees, the company can increase its operational efficiency. The company can also reduce operational costs within the supply chain by drawing on experiences in the US market. Building a new supply chain in an emerging market will allow the company to design it in the most cost effective manner. Each of these opportunities will play an important role in strategic success of the brand. SWOTT Table External Factors Factor Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Trends Global ON’s has an established image in overseas markets Supply Chain management requires additional investment to establish in global markets Massive new markets in Asia, especially China and India Political unrest in African and Middle East Markets Growing markets overseas will provide exception growth opportunities Economic Improved economic conditions will provide suitable owners. Greater disposable income will prompt some buys to seek more expensive alternatives. Commercial real estate recovery will provide more restaurant locations domestically. Economic collapse and rising materials costs could impact prices. Global economic recovery is remaining consistent Legal and Regulatory Strong safety record New global markets present new regulatory challenges Establish strong relationships with foreign business partners Legal costs for breaking foreign regulations Increased regulation in the USA could raise labor costs. Environmental Strong history of supporting clean environment practices Increasing public disapproval in the USA Show a commitment to environmental friendly initiatives Environmental infractions could create media backlash Consumers place greater importance on environmental initiatives. Competitive Analysis ON’s unique product line separates it from the competition Stronger brands, such as NXP have more overseas locations Differentiate from competing brands Closely related brands establishing locations in emerging markets. Most major brands and expanding globally SWOTT Table Internal Factors Factor Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Trends Strategy Aggressive strategy will provide rapid growth Rapid growth could cause investment in new innovations to lag behind Continue to build presence in emerging markets. Aggressive strategy may be rejected by some cultures Asian countries are showing increasing demand for electronics Technologies Optimized efficiency for product processing Technology still requires significant human capital Automation to cut down on manual labor needs Competitors may develop tech at a faster pace Technology is decreasing in cost overall Innovations Social media marketing in place to build customer loyalty Competitors are offering items that appeal to higher quality Automate payment processing for rapid ordering Negative media coverage could spread on social media Customers prefer products that efficient Intellectual Property ON’s brand is recognizable worldwide Brand is associated with low quality budget oriented products Increase awareness of high quality items Use of IP by foreign competitors without legal recourse Internet makes it possible to market the product rapidly Summary ON’s faces a complex set of challenges as they conduct their aggressive expansion into emerging markets. Ahead of all, the global economic climate poses the greatest risk to the company, as major changes could have a significant impact on the strategy’s effectiveness. However, competitive pressure dictates that ON’s must establish its presence in overseas markets as soon as possible. If the company waits to establish new locations, it many lose the opportunities provided by the current trend of global economic growth. The SWOTT analysis above provides insight that will help the brand mitigate risk as it continues to move forward with the strategy. Strategic Plan Part III: Balanced Scorecard As a method of further analyzing the strategic goals of ON Semiconductor Corporation, the balanced scorecard provides valuable insight into vision, mission, and values of the company. An analysis from the perspective of shareholders, customer, managers, and employees allows the company to gain a stronger understanding of how strategic initiatives will affect these relationships. Each strategic initiative can have a differing impact, depending on the relationship a person has with the company. A strategic initiative aimed at lower costs might be beneficial to shareholders in the short term, but could have a negative impact on customer and employee values. The balanced scorecard attempts to organize strategic objectives based on their specific relationship to ON Semiconductor Corporation. Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective Objectives Targets Measures Risk Mitigation Increase customer base by expanding product variety Increase domestic revenue by 10% with a new product line over 5 years A trend of 0.5% growth in domestic sales per quarter. Test new items in a limited number of locations to determine nationwide viability. Decrease international supply chain costs. Lower supply chain costs in international markets by 5% over 2 years This objective should also result in higher operating margins Invest in long-term solutions to supply chain management. Improve price-to-earnings ratio. The current PEG ratio sis 9.05 (NASDAQ 2014) and should be increased to 1.50 A quarterly trend of improvement should be seen in the PEG ratio. Expand into international markets that present the highest overall value. Customer Value Perspective Objectives Targets Measures Risk Mitigation Improve company image by marketing new products Increase customer recognition of new product offerings. Growth of new product sales of 10% relative to traditional products. Conduct custom surveys to gain insight into new product reception. Improve overall customer service Increase positive feedback from loyal customers Improve customer feedback by 25% over 1 year. Implement an employee training program focused on customer service Implement delivery to large markets Make ON’s products available with rapid delivery. Implement ON’s delivery in at least 5 US cities Test the delivery system in limited markets before mainstream launch Process or Internal Operations Perspective Objectives Targets Measures Risk Mitigation Streamline payments with mobile devices Allow customers to pay with mobile devices Enable mobile POS systems at 25% of locations Survey customer preferences for mobile payments Increase ordering speed with improved automation. Eliminate need for full time staff by automating production. Reduce total labor costs by 5% over 2 years. Determine long term ROI of investment in automation Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective Objectives Targets Measures Risk Mitigation Offer new opportunities for advancement within the company Promote more internal employees to middle manager positions Track the progression tenured of employees within the management hierarchy. Implement a training program for employees who desire management positions Improve corporate culture with social media Allow greater communication at all levels of company 25% employee participation on ON’s blog conversations Monitor and track system to ensure conversations are beneficial Summary Strategic initiatives are always associated with a certain level of risk. As an internationally recognized brand, it is essential for ON Semiconductor Corporation to make an effort to safeguard its image with any new strategic choice. Failing to maintain the image that has been developed could lead to a decreased ability to move forward with international growth of the brand. In addition, many of the strategic goals require a significant financial investment. Any large financial investment should show promise of delivering long-term value to shareholders. This is especially important in the process and internal operations category because it directly impacts the operational success of the company. A strategic initiative in this category must be designed for the long-term sustainability of the company. Each perspective on the balanced scorecard has unique strategic implications. For example, the strategic goals of the shareholders are significantly different than those of the employees or customers. The managers in charge or implementing a strategic plan must find middle ground between the objectives of each category listed on the balanced scorecard. Each category plays an important role in the success of the organization at large and it is essential that every category be considered during the process. Ultimately, the balanced scorecard will ensure the strategy meets the objectives and values of ON Semiconductor Corporation. ONs’ competition in the semiconductor industry is widely varied. Direct competitors are other established brand manufacturers, such as Intel, Defunct, Sony, Silicon Wafer Producers, Foundry and Qualcomm. The closest competitor in terms of popularity, growth, and product line is the Samsung Electronics. In such a climate, the best investment opportunities will be awarded to companies that have the ingenuity and creativity to meet the customers’ demands for fashion in an industry driven by economic conditions, demographic trends, and pricing. The industry has moved from a â€Å"buy now, upgrade later†consumer to a â€Å"buy now, upgrade now†consumer. The company’s management is confident that the ONs’ can achieve its aggressive sales forecasts, generating total sales of approximately $20.6 million in years to come. In addition, ONs’ management has carefully considered its market, potential customer base, and its ability to grow its sales average to capture 10% of the semiconductor industry. ON’s has the potential to become a highly regarded resource in local, regional, national, and international markets. Due to the company’s aggressive marketing strategy, establishment of the company as a â€Å"unique†entity in its industry, careful development of its products coupled with strategic partnerships with some of the industry’s headliners, and the company’s profitable revenue model, ON’s has the potential to provide lucrative returns to potential investors. For ON’s to achieve status as an industry leader, it must secure initial capital. This capital will be used for start-up costs, to establish a reputable storefront, and to further develop the business, business infrastructure, internal systems, product development, and extensive marketing and geographic positioning. Providing that the company is able to acquire its funding requirements, ONs should be able to achieve operational success for many years to come. References Pearce, J. A. II, & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control(11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Thompson, A. A., Gamble, J. E., & Strickland, A. J. (2006). Strategy: Winning in the marketplace: Core concepts, analytical tools, cases (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Museum Marketing Mix
MARKETING TRAVEL AND TOURISM PRODUCTS AND SERVICES I – Introduction I have been offered a short period placement in the National Maritime Museum. As part of my team projects in the Marketing Department, I have to produce a brief report to describe the marketing mix of the organisation in order to examine different aspects of marketing. The National Maritime Museum located in the heart of Greenwich where is home to historically buildings and most important national collections.It is the museum itself and also is a visitor attraction, which is funded by the Government to maintain its World Heritage Site. Each year the museum attracts many visitors from all over the world to come and see a wide range of displays and to have the understanding of the seas, oceans, time and space, planets and the universe and know the importance and their relationship with people. As a tourist attraction, the museum has to produce a marketing plan to meet the needs of the market and the visitors.Mar keting mix is an essential part affect customer’s motivation for all organisations in terms of products, price, place and promotion. II – Marketing Mix 2. Products Visitors, of course, come to museum to see the arts, galleries, collections, displays and models. In the National Maritime Museum visitors can explore the astronomy and time by seeing how stars and planets are born, the Solar systems, Harrison timekeeper at the galleries. There are over two million collections relating to seafaring, astronomy, time measurement and navigation with over 9000 objects and 12,000 images in the museum.The other reason for visitors to come to the museum is that Greenwich is also a tourist destination itself, well known as a World Heritage Site. Specifically, the museum is made up of three significant sites, which are: the Royal Observatory, famous as the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and the Prime Meridian Line (Longitude 0 degree, the Queen’s House – the first building b uilt with the classical style in England and the National Maritime Museum galleries (Maritime galleries). These three main sites can also be separate products.They have Observatory Galleries, Planetarism in the Royal Observatory; rare portrait collections by the most famous painters Van Dyck, Gainsborough, Hogarth and Reynolds in the Queen’s House. The museum does not target any specific type of customers, they do a lot of activities to attract families with children, adults, group visit, school trips and businesses: †¢ Permanent and temporary exhibitions [pic] The museum runs many exhibitions for all people throughout the year. For example, North-West Passage, Astronomy Photographer, Jeremy Millar: Given are three highlighted exhibitions. pic] Besides, tour exhibitions are quite popular and normally full-booked as they complement activities on-site and make a tour through many places in the UK such as Beacon, Glasgow, Hull, Aberdeen, Great Yarmouth, etc†¦ Some big tour exhibitions are: Beside the Seaside on tour, Turmoil and Tranquillity on tour, Your Ocean on tour and on tour – Skin deep: a history of tattooing. [pic][pic][pic] They also offer exhibition specialise for children called All Hands and the Bridge Interactive Galleries open to families every Tuesdays weekly and uring school holidays. It all designed for children at all ages, they will be able to send a semaphore signal, load a cargo ship and more exciting is firing a cannon. This exhibition is also use for school group as a superb resource. †¢ Special Events The National Maritime Museum produces a variety of events include family events, adult programmes, school programmes, and sign-interpreted events. [pic] A lot of fun activities are offered in family events for all, for under five years old and five years old plus in particular.There are some more special events for summer holidays, half-term holidays, which are Explore Saturdays, Discover Sundays, Family Treasures and Creative Cargo. More over children can also have the opportunity to create and build their own models and stuffs such as Victory boat model, rocket, sea-monster mask and global and quadrant. [pic] Adults programmes are events supposed to help adults to go in deep the concepts and ideas of history, features in terms of the sea, time and stars which are related to the Museum’s collections through courses such as GCSE Astronomy, Introduction to Astronomy or The Solar Systems.The methods of teaching are lectures, study days, film seasons, workshops, panel discussions and tours. Study programmes are not only for adults; there are plenty of courses, study days for students from Primary, GCSE to A-level studies include Science, History, Physics, Citizenship & Geography, Business Studies, and Travel and Tourism. Provided by excellent, enthusiastic teachers giving great opportunities for students to experience and enjoy all fun activities.Especially for school visits, they provid e education resources in particular subject. [pic] [pic] Students on study day Girls doing school projects in â€Å"Your Ocean†galleries If you visit any tourist attraction we can easily see the souvenir and gift shops selling toys, books or other products related to that place. Obviously, visitors come to visit the attractions and would like to bring something home to remember that day or just to buy presents for their friends or families.In the National Maritime Museum, there is a wide range of stuffs linked to their collections and to be found by subjects such as Cards, Time and Timepieces, Telescopes & Binoculars, Maps, Globes & Exploration, Clothing and Personal accessories, Books, Toys, Kids’ bookshop, Corporate gifts, Teachers’ resources and many other things. Another essential section in the museum is restaurant and cafe area, as all visitors get tired after the whole day exploring the museum, they need to have a rest at the coffee shops and fill in the ir stomachs in the restaurants.There are two coffee bars in the Museum, The Galley where visitors can have delicious soups, hot food or they can have salads, sandwiches if fancy cold food. And the other is Paul where they can find light snacks and enjoy the seasonable drinks in the Museum. [pic] [pic] Summer drinks at the Museum Volvo corporate event The National Maritime Museum is also one of the unique venues hold many conferences, events and weddings. Businesses hire the venue not only because of the beautiful place, they want to experience the fabulous views across London and glaze the stars by having private telescope after the meetings.The Museum also provides food and drink at the venue, corporate services and photographic services. [pic] [pic] Corporate event on the Upper Deck during Queen’s House southwest parlour set up the evening for a meeting †¢ Product life cycle [pic] As I have illustrated on the graph above, there are 4 main periods of a product life cycl e which are Introduction, Growth, Maturity and the last period is either Re-growing or Decline.From my point of view, I think the National Maritime Museum is on the Maturity period as the Museum is an old organisation. Besides, to avoid declining, new events, exhibitions, study programmes are coming every month to attract more potential visitors and more coming back visitors. Moreover, they keep maintaining the attraction by planning conservation and new capital projects. They are working on the major new wing project and will be opened in 2012 in time for the London Olympics in order to grow the volume of visitors both from domestic and international. There are five key features of the new project: ? new entrance from the South new spaces for special exhibitions ? an open archive research centre ? a stylish new cafe, brasseries and shop and upgraded visitor facilities ? flexible new learning spaces [pic] The Sammy Ofer Wing Project – National Maritime Museum We can say the M useum is stepping to the re-growing period after all. Obviously, their new wing project will bring a massive growth of tourists from all over the world. 2. Price †¢ Strategies Entry to the Museum is fee as it belongs to the nation and is funded by the Government to remain the World Heritage Sites. There was a debate ages ago about the admission costs of the Museums.We all know that if the Museums increase their admission fees, they can use that income source to contribute to image-building, marketing purposes in order to reach the specifics markets. However, there were some evidences proved that the number of visitor decreased after the announcement of charging the Museum entrance fee. According to the survey result in 1988, the number of visitors at the National Maritime Museum fell by 37% in the year they imposed charges. †¢ Competitor analysis Almost Museums in the UK are fee of admission such as the National History Museum, Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum.Th erefore, what they are going to do to gain competitive advantage? The answer is adding value to their products and services. Although people visiting the Museum do not have to pay the admission fee, they still want to see the value of products and services offered at the attraction. The National Maritime Museum sends the message of â€Å"good value†to visitors by providing the unique collections, special exhibitions, the upper-class services to ensure that they will have a good experience when visiting the Museum without paying any money. †¢ DiscountingAlthough the Museum is funded by the Government, but it can not cover the staff’s salaries, maintenance costs, new projects and other expenses. Because of that they need to earn from other income sources as I have mentioned in the Products description above. The Museum does discounts for some products such as half-price, bye one get one free at souvenir and gifts shop, discounts for Planetarium Shows, free for chil dren under 3 years old and reduce prices for students (full time), unemployed (ES40 holders), holders of ISE youth cards, disabled visitors and seniors 60+.For disabled visitors, there is no charge if they need a helper. To have more benefits, visitors can apply for the Museum membership receiving: ? 20% percents discount on all food and drink ? Exclusive membership events and private views ? Lively programmes of talks and lectures ? Access to planetarium shows for free ? Free entry to all special exhibitions ? Free entry to Maritime Museums in the UK and Worldwide ? Exclusive access to the Members Room (tea and coffee) ? 10% discount on all products at the Museum’s shop 20% discount on river trips with City Cruises [pic] Membership subscriptions annually at National Maritime Museum (www. nmn. ac. uk) †¢ Seasonality During the winter time, people stay at home due to cold and wet weather. The Museum offers up to 20% discount on the planetarium shows and some discounts on special events and exhibitions. 3. Place †¢ Channels of distribution Visitors wish to attend the Museum’s events; exhibitions and shows can book online or get the tickets directly at the Museum. The tickets also can be sold by email Bookings.All information about booking tickets can be found easily through the Museum’s website which is www. nmm. co. uk. Besides, visitors can use telephone booking or access to the Greenwich Tourist Information Centre to buy the tickets. If people wish to buy maps, books, or other products related to the Museum’s collections, they can stay at home, see the new products and shop online through the Museum’s website. †¢ Physical location [pic] The Museum located in the heart of Maritime Greenwich World Heritage Sites. Surrounded by beautiful scenes and spectacular views.Visitors are impressed by the fabulous historic scientific sites, the stunning view from Greenwich Park where they can stand on the Meridian line, th e elegant Tulip Stairs, the Great Hall in the Queen's House, the Time Ball on top of Flamsteed House which used to tell the time at the earliest year. These features make the Museum unique. [pic] †¢ Accessibility Transport to and from the attraction: The Museum situated in Greenwich, where easily accessed by the public transports. There are many ways travelling to the Museum, which are: ;;The nearest Docklands Light Railway station is Cutty Sark. From the station, it only takes approximately six to ten minutes’ walk to the Museum. There are two underground tube stations, which are Greenwich and Maze Hill stations. It takes about 12-15 minutes from Greenwich station and 8 minutes from Maze Hill walk to the National Maritime Museum. [pic] Recommended routes from main London terminals (www. nmm. co. uk) †¢ Buses There are numerous buses service to Greenwich town centre, Greenwich Park and Royal Observatory from many parts of London.The table below shows the bus routes to Greenwich town centre: [pic] Bus routes to Greenwich Town Centre (www. nmm. co. uk) Interestingly, visitors can also take the sightseeing cruises operate from London Eye, Westminster, Tower and St. Katherine’s piers to Greenwich Pier. From there it is just over 5 minutes walk to the Museum. By taking cruises, they will enjoy the gorgeous sights along the riverside include the Palace of Westminster (Big Ben), London Eye, St Paul's Cathedral, Shakespeare's Globe, The Tower of London, Tower Bridge. By foot Exploring the Heritage Sites by walking through the long-distance walks around the Museum is such an exciting experience. Visitors can take public transports to the walking sections such as the circular Greenwich Millennium Heritage Trails, the Tower Hamlets Walks – North Thames Path to Greenwich, Lea Valley Walk, and Thames Path National Trail – Tower Bridge to Greenwich. †¢ By road Visitors can travel by their own cars by taking the M25, M11, A406, A12, and Blackwall Tunnel from the North. M25, A2 from the South.They can take the A2, M2, and A2 direct to Greenwich from Dover and M20, M25, A2 from Channel Tunnel. Accessibilities for special needs The Museum provides facilities for wheelchair users, lifts are highlighted on the map for all units, and coffee bars and restaurants are all at the ground floor for easy access. Moreover, there are provisions for people with difficulties such as deaf, blind and partially sighted visitors. Those provisions include free large-print touchable guide, audio guides and BSL signed Planetarium monthly shows for deaf visitors. pic] 4. Promotion †¢ Methods Promotion is a very important part and cannot be missed out in the marketing mix, as they need to raise awareness of new products and services or the museum’s developments. The first and most common method is advertising by distributing leaflets, posters, and press releases. The second method is sales promotion by using discounts vouch ers for joint promotion. The next method is direct marketing by sending direct mails in order to encourage people to visit the Museum and event bookings.They also hold exhibitions as trade shows target group organisers and tour operators. In addition, the Museum use different types of media such as national and local newspapers, radio stations, transport sections. †¢ Materials As a public sector organisation, the Museum cannot spend a lot of money on advertising. TV advert is very expensive then it is not necessary, the budget way of advertising is distributing leaflets, posters, and flyers to promote campaigns, special exhibitions, three Museum sites, and activities for all ages: [pic] [pic]Leaflet promoting the ‘Explore Oceans†A selection of NMM leaflets [pic] [pic] ‘Inspiring minds for free' 2006 poster campaign Joint promotion is the effective way by sharing the costs with other travel and tourism organisations. The Museum connects with those organization s to have a wider range of customers and to add value of money when people buy holidays as packages bring advantages for both sides. Discount vouchers are offered when comprising with other tourist attractions, tour companies, hotel groups and magazine promotions.The National Maritime Museum also has joint promotion with transport sector, which is c2c Train Company with 10% off at the Museum’s shop and a free pot of tea or coffee when spending over ? 4 in the cafe. [pic] c2c joint promotion Press releases are essential in marketing, as all relevant information in the Museum have to be kept up – to – date. In the museum there is a press office covers all angles from press coverage to media interest. Press officers have to produce press releases to inform the national and international media all developments at the Museum.Furthermore, they will have to work out the unique images and the ideas to use for campaign posters or to be published on newspapers. [pic] An i mage from the front cover of the Independent on Sunday, 24 March 2002, promoting the ‘Skin Deep' exhibition [pic] A 4-sheet poster on London Underground for the ‘Skin Deep' exhibition III- Explanation of how the 4Ps work together as a marketing mix in the National Maritime Museum Marketing is sending a message to keep people satisfy.Basically, marketing is all about creating false needs that means they comprise all marketing elements in order to make the wants become needs. Organisations always have to think about what people want in the future and work out what they can do to attract potential customers. Marketing elements cannot go separately, we need to put them in a pot, mix them together and that is the only thing we can alter to end up success or failure of a business. The following graphic shows the relationship between the 4Ps in the National Maritime Museum:In the National Maritime Museum we can see the mixture of products, price, place and promotion. In the mar keting mix, products and price are the most important then we use place and promotion to bring the business to the highest point of selling. All three components: Price, Place and Promotion affect the selling of Products and Services. There is no admission fee for Museum entrance, many free events and exhibitions. The word â€Å" FREE†has a big influence to every single person, therefore, more and more people coming in to see what is provided in the Museum.All planetarium shows charge with a very reasonable price (under ? 10) appeal audiences come to see the shows. In every business, normally, the Price makes a strongest influence to the selling of products and services. New products and services need to be advertised in order to raise public awareness. The Museum use leaflets, posters, flyers to promote their new shows, events and exhibitions; buy a space on the newspaper, an advert on the radio station, places big posters in the on underground station with the same purpose of driving people to their products and services.The Museum spends some money to make some money. Although they choose the budget ways of promoting to avoid not spending a large amount of money but they spend a little to make a lot. Internet booking system is the most convenient way of selling products and services. The National Maritime Museum provides many booking options in order to give the best convenience to customers to buy their products and services. The Museum is unique because of its’ Heritage Sites, people come to explore the Museum and to see the surroundings attractions.That means the Place also bring customers to the Museum, which we can understand as Products. However, the Price and Promotion are linked together as they use the Price to promote the products and services. The Museum reduces the price to have price promotion such as discount vouchers for joint promotion (10% off on all products at Museum’s shop, free a pot of tea or coffee at cafeâ€℠¢ when spending over 4 pounds). Some exhibitions are free with a purpose of promoting and targeting groups of visitors. Promotion also affects the channel of distribution.One of the promotion methods used by the Museum is direct selling. They open exhibitions, inviting people and sell directly to group organisers, tour operators, and other travel and tourism organisations. Generally, marketing mix plays a very important part of the marketing strategies. In order to reach the market changes and to gain competitive advantage, the National Maritime Museum has to work out more future plans to maintain the ever-growth volume of visitors and to attract both domestic and international visitors. Bibliography Text books: BTEC National Certificate in Travel and Tourism – Book 1 †¢ Marketing in Travel and Tourism by Victor T. C Middleton Websites: †¢ www. google. co. uk †¢ www. nmm. co. uk †¢ www. books. google. co. uk [pic] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢ €â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Place Promotion UNIT 5: MARKETING TRAVEL &TOURISM PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Fall 08 Assignment Title: The Marketing Mix 5A Centre name: Hammersmith and West London College Learner Name: Kim Thu Dao Subject Lecturer: Matthew Cooper Deadline: 15/10/2009 BTEC NATIONAL CERTIFICATE IN TRAVEL &TOURISM YEAR 2 Price Products
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